

Exclusive Yooz Insider - Yooz Rising, our best UX yet!

Wednesday, November 18th

From 1pm to 2pm CST

Register for the Webinar

About the Webinar

Sign up for this special edition of our exclusive Yooz Insider with Yooz COO, Laurent Charpentier.

Experience a client-only first look of Yooz Rising, our brand new UX.

During this interactive webinar, finance and accounting leaders and practitioners take the lead by asking any questions they have about the Yooz platform directly to Yooz CIO/COO Laurent Charpentier. Laurent will also share some of his favorite platform user tips, tricks, and features. 

We also welcome you to share ideas, tips, and tricks on how you are using the Yooz platform with other participants. 

Remember, the only bad questions are ones that never get asked. Join us!



This month, some featured topics will be:

  • Yooz Rising : new features, upgrade process, product timeline update.
  • OnlyYooz - our in-app browser: download program update.
  • FAQ Session based on the questions you raised.
  • Share with your networks